The Institut Mines-Télécom: the leading group of engineering and management schools in France
11 major engineering and management schools [1] come together to form the Institut Mines-Télécom. The strength of the group is based on the complementarity of its schools and their cohesion, based on their shared vision:
- training for businesses;
- developing the economy and the territories;
- contributing to innovation and entrepreneurship.
These activities are deployed in areas related to major digital, energy, industrial and educational transitions.
[1] IMT Atlantique, IMT Nord Europe, Mines Albi, Mines Alès, Mines Saint-Etienne, Télécom Management School, Télécom ParisTech, Télécom SudParis; Eurecom; Mines ParisTech; Mines Nancy.

Excellence in school training and research
8 state higher education establishments under the supervision of the Minister in charge of the Economy and Industry
which is comparable to major American universities like MIT and Stanford
90% of graduates will start directly on permanent contracts
in all economic sectors
contributing to scientific and technological
linked with local networks but also at national level thanks to the territorial network of the Institut Mines-Télécom
Focused on businesses, the partnership research of the Institut Mines-Télécom schools feeds the economy: it is recognised by 2 Carnot accreditations (Carnot M.I.N.E.S and Carnot Telecom & digital company) issued in 2006 and renewed in 2011.
The academic excellence of the Institut Mines-Télécom is widely recognised. Teacher-researchers from the schools of the Institut Mines-Télécom have also received a number of Awards and Distinctions.
In the 3rd year of training, 11 large schools to choose from.
Engineering students or managers from an Institut Mines-Télécom school can study in another school in the group for six months and study a topic not offered on their campus, while remaining a graduate from their home school.
The Institut Mines-Télécom, a leader in work-study training in France
For more than 25 years, the Institut Mines-Télécom and its schools have developed and been committed to learning in higher education, management and engineering sciences by training 10% of French engineers each year.
Schools have innovation and entrepreneurship in their very DNA
Created by the public authorities to support the economic and industrial development of France from the 18th century, the schools of the Institut Mines-Télécom promote entrepreneurship and the incubation of technological projects: every year, nearly 100 start-ups are supported in the incubators of its schools.
Schools are implementing a wide variety of tools intended to educate and train their students in innovation and entrepreneurship.
The students benefit from numerous partnerships established by the schools of the Institut Mines-Télécom with local and national innovation structures.
As well as business creation, these schemes aim to train engineers and managers to be aware of value creation and innovation, so that they can provide businesses with the creativity they need.

IMT Nord Europe, part of the Institut Mines-Télécom network that responds to the major transformations of the 21st century
The diversity of expertise and the complementarity of the schools of the Institut Mines-Télécom ensure that IMT Nord Europe is playing its part in a group strategy to respond systemically to the challenges of the major transformations of the 21st century:
- digital,
- industrial,
- energy,
- educational
This means that the school brings its expertise to the work of the Institut Mines-Télécom on the issues of the smart city, the health and autonomy of people and the industry of the future.
The Institut Mines-Télécom is a founding member of the Industry of the Future Alliance which brings together professional federations, research organisations and higher education institutions. Its objective is to make France a leader of the new global industrial generation. The Institut Mines-Télécom also co-founded the Franco-German Academy for the Industry of the Future with the Technische Universität München.
Educational transition: a cooperative approach between schools of the Institut Mines-Télécom to transform teaching models.

The Institut Mines-Télécom with its schools are an important driving force behind the creation of a French and English-speaking open and massive open online course (MOOC), particularly in the fields of telecommunications, digital technology and engineering sciences.
By combining their knowledge and expertise in innovative teaching, the schools of the Institut Mines-Télécom now benefit from a broad spectrum of training, representative of their teachings.
These training courses are fully integrated into the curricula of the schools of the Institut Mines-Télécom, for example:
- In common-core syllabus initial training
- As part of a teaching experience in a flipped classroom
- To validate points for catching up or as a bonus
- To give students the opportunity to access transversal and complementary themes
In line with the strategy of the Institut Mines-Télécom, MOOCs also help the growth and reputation of the group and its schools in France and internationally.
The Institut Mines-Télécom contributes to the international reach of its schools
A global player with very much an international perspective, the schools of the Institut Mines-Télécom have an appeal that goes beyond borders (33% of students in master’s or doctoral studies are from foreign countries) and send their students to the best foreign universities with which the Institut Mines-Télécom has agreed exchange and double-degree partnerships that complement the bilateral agreements existing in the schools.