One of IMT Nord Europe’s strengths is that it has built up a network of corporate and private partners. These long-standing collaborations give the degrees awarded in the school great kudos and offer you opportunities for your future career as an engineer.
The University of Lille
The Faculty of Science and Technology, part of the University of Lille, has a special partnership with IMT Nord Europe. It also plays a role in the governance of the school. The faculty offers nearly 9,000 students a high-quality multidisciplinary offer within its nine training departments. Its research activity is supported by 25 internationally renowned laboratories, equipped with scientific equipment and very high-level technological platforms. The University of Lille has been evaluated by HCERES (the High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education).

I-site Lille North Europe
Accredited as an I-SITE in February 2017, the Lille Nord-Europe University project (ULNE) brings together 14 founding members, including IMT Nord Europe. Its aim is to create a major international university, ranked among the top 50 in Europe within 10 years: Lille Nord-Europe University (ULNE). Health, Planet and Digital World: the project is structured around three interconnected research themes covering a broad disciplinary spectrum. Internationalisation, educational innovation and promotion are also at the heart of its priorities.
The Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE)
Created in 1973, the Conférence des grandes écoles (CGE) is a French national institution providing representation, research and accreditation for its 265 members, including 229 from higher education and research institutions, awarding a master’s degree. Its role is to promote the development and influence of its members, in France and beyond, in conjunction with economic players and civil society. It is also a think tank and a training accreditation body (Specialised Masters, MSc, BADGE, CQC) for its members.

The Conference of Directors of French Engineering Schools (CDEFI)
CDEFI has as its objective to represent engineering schools and universities of technology with the State, the European Union and international organisations. It represents all the directors of establishments, or parts of establishments, both public and private, accredited by the CTI to award the graduate engineer degree (Commission des Titres, the committee responsible for evaluation and accreditation of higher education institutions for training professional engineers in France).
The Regional Conference of Grandes Écoles (CRGE)
The CRGE provides information and coordination assignments for the Grandes Écoles making it a special intermediary of institutions and associations. It represents around 33,000 students, nearly 40% of regional bac +5 graduates and more than 80 laboratories. Furthermore, through them, schools have a strong involvement in competitiveness clusters (I-Trans, EuraMAterials…). As part of its involvement in the CRGE, IMT Nord Europe is also part of the PRREL Ambition of the Hauts-de-France region.

The Commission des titres d'ingénieur
The Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs (CTI) is an independent organisation, charged by French law with evaluating all engineering training courses, developing the quality of training, promoting the title and profession of engineer in France and abroad.
All of IMT Nord Europe’s engineering training courses, under student or apprentice status, are accredited by the CTI for the maximum duration and are subject to an annual audit.
EUR-ACE label
The EUR-ACE accreditation, granted to IMT Nord Europe, highlights the very demanding nature of the course. This accreditation offers students: guaranteed skills and knowledge in accordance with European standards, greater European mobility and a valuable advantage for the recruitment process. With the engineering diploma, IMT Nord Europe consistently delivers the degree supplement free of charge.

DATADOCK accreditation
Datadock is a unique database for vocational training focused on the quality. It allows the funders of vocational training brought together within the GIE D2OF to check that the training organisations comply with the 6 quality criteria defined by law. Once the compliance check of the parts has been carried out, the training organisations become “datadocked” by the funders. Each of the latter can decide to include these training organisations in its reference catalogue.