Specialized Master

Specialized Master in Circular Economy Engineering Applied to Sustainable Materials

The aim of the Specialized Master in Circular Economy Engineering Applied to Sustainable Materials is to develop the expertise of professionals faced with the emerging problems of recycling sustainable materials and eco-design, particularly in the regulated context of the anti-waste law for a circular economy. The proposed approach focuses on the industry as a whole, with a view to creating local and even national value for the sector, and responding to the skills and trades in short supply identified by France Compétences.

This Specialized Master emphasizes the positive impact of the circular economy on society, by promoting sustainable practices and the recyclability of materials.

Industrial ecology principles are integrated into the design of circular value chains and resource management.

The program integrates scientific and technical projects to enable the testing of proposed solutions.

This program is included in the Masters Prix de l’Innovation Eduniversal 2024 ranking.


  • Secure sources of recycled raw materials and their exploitation to increase their reuse
  • Propose more environmentally efficient or more economical recycling processes for sustainable materials
  • Adapt existing products to optimize their performance by facilitating recycling and/or minimizing their environmental impact
  • Develop sustainable materials by optimizing LCA to minimize their environmental impact.
  • Develop and manage strategic industrial projects based on the circular economy
  • Monitor and anticipate the impact of environmental policies and regulations.
  • Master the tools and methods for optimizing waste recovery.

These skills will prepare you to meet the complex challenges of the circular economy, and to occupy key positions in organizations committed to creating sustainable solutions for our planet.

Perspectives and professions

The circular economy and materials sustainability industry offers a wide range of career prospects for Specialized Master graduates.

  • Biobased Materials Engineer
  • Expert engineer in eco-design
  • Eco-design project manager
  • Recycling and Recovery Project Manager
  • Materials Recovery Manager
  • Sustainable Materials Regulatory Compliance Manager
  • Materials Recycling Process Engineer
  • Materials Sustainability Auditor
  • Materials Life Cycle Analyst
  • Sustainable development and economic development officer



  • CTI-accredited engineering degree (Bac+5)
  • Master’s degree M2 (Bac+5)
  • University diplomas at M1 or Maîtrise level (Bac+4) and three years’ professional experience
  • Foreign diplomas of equivalent level (Bac+5)

Admissions process

The candidate’s application is studied by the educational supervisor and then submitted to an admissions jury, which meets 4 times between March and June.

The candidate is notified by email of the jury’s decision.


Registration for the Specialized Master in Circular Economy Engineering Applied to Sustainable Materials for the start of the 2024 academic year is now closed.

For further information: masteres.specialises@imt-nord-europe.fr



Training lasts 12 months:

September to February: in-school training,

March to August: 6-month internship.

The start of the 2024 session is scheduled for early September 2024.


  • Materials and their applications
  • Mineral materials & concrete
  • Polymers & Composites
  • Metals
  • Soils
  • Independent project
  • Emergence of value chains
  • Operational valorization of secondary raw materials
  • Europe and the circular economy
  • Plant tour
  • Biotreatment of materials
  • Reducing CO2 impact through recovery
  • Circular economy and recovery tools
  • Circular economy and recovery tools (Case studies)
  • Environmental regulations and management of polluted sites
  • Eco-bonding in construction
  • Eco-lients in construction (case studies)
  • Management of waste from building deconstruction
  • Materials recovery in construction
  • Sustainable construction
  • Site rehabilitation
  • Renewable granular resources and eco-materials
  • Sustainability of building materials
  • RE2020 acv and FDES
  • Towards low-carbon construction
  • Smart building
  • Biomimicry and habitat
  • Case studies and personalized follow-up
  • Strategy – Business model
  • Financial analysis
  • QSE management & strategy

A professional project is prepared as part of an in-company assignment in the form of a professional thesis.

This represents a privileged means of acquiring knowledge and training through research. The topic addressed must correspond to a real concern in the company’s needs, and be based on the body of research in the field.

The professional thesis is defended before a jury at the end of the course. The professional thesis and the in-company assignment correspond to 30 ECTS credits.

Head teacher

Further information

The programme is taught in French.


Application fee: €60 non-refundable.

Programme fees :

  • €7,500 for young graduates continuing their studies, jobseekers or people financing their own education ;
  • €12,500 for companies

Payable in 3 instalments over the course of the academic year, the 1st instalment paid on enrolment is refundable in the event of visa refusal. Payments can be made by bank transfer or cheque.

Training location

764 Bd Lahure, 59500 Douai


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