Validation of acquired experience is an approach designed to enhance the value of the experience acquired during your professional career, in order to obtain a certification or a block of skills within a certification. The result is a diploma, a professional title or a certificate of professional qualification (CQP), all of which are listed in the RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles).
Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience (VAE) is emerging as a powerful lever, offering opportunities for professional advancement, promoting equal opportunities in employment and education, while stimulating continuing training to boost competitiveness in the job market.
VAE (Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience) is open to all adults, regardless of their level of training, their professional situation (salaried employee, self-employed, job-seeker), or their involvement in voluntary or associative activities.
VAE at IMT Nord Europe
IMT Nord Europe supports professionals in the Validation of Acquired Experience through the following Level 7 RNCP titles:
The VAE procedure
The general procedure consists of 6 steps:
The aim of this first stage is to provide candidates with information about the VAE system and the diplomas offered by the School.
On receipt of a candidate’s application for VAE, a specific booklet, the diploma’s skills repository and an estimate are sent by e-mail. The acceptance booklet is designed to inform the candidate about the VAE procedure, and includes a list of documents to be provided and completed.
In addition to the administrative section (marital status, contact details, etc.), this file should enable you to situate the candidate on the basis of his or her :
- Academic background ;
- (Possibly) continuing education;
- Professional experience;
- Professional project related to the VAE application.
All these elements can be found in PART 1: APPLICATION RECEIVABILITY of the booklet.
The decision is based on a reading of the validation file (PART 1: APPLICATION RECEIVABILITY) and on one or more exchanges between the candidate and the training manager, at the latter’s initiative.
If the application is deemed inadmissible by the training supervisor, a letter is sent to signify this and explain the reasons. It may be possible to renew the application at a later date, with a file more in line with IMT Nord Europe’s expectations. In this case, the letter is accompanied by recommendations.
If the application is deemed acceptable, the candidate is invited to an interview to assess his or her strengths and weaknesses. At the end of this interview, the candidate must be able to make a conscious decision to continue with the procedure.
He/she is then invited to complete PART 2: DESCRIPTION OF YOUR CAREER.
The training manager or a member of his or her team is appointed to support the candidate in preparing the validation file.
Based on remote exchanges and face-to-face meetings, the candidate is guided by this coach, who provides methodological assistance in putting together the application.
The same coach will also help prepare the candidate for the presentation to the jury.
The candidate must make the link between the elements set out in PART 1: APPLICATION RECEIVABILITY and the skills that must be acquired to validate all or part of the elements required for certification.
Using the REFERENTIEL OF ACTIVITIES provided in the booklet, the candidate fills in as many ACTIVITY SHEETS as necessary, justifying the practice and therefore the skills acquired. This is the basis on which the jury can objectively analyze the experience actually acquired. For each sheet, a precise link must be made with the job in question, and the diploma and/or further training that led to it. All these references must be included in PART 1: APPLICATION RECEIVABILITY.
Each of these references (job, diploma and further training) must be accompanied by proof, as described in the booklet.
After studying the candidate’s file, the jury validates the experience acquired during an interview in which the candidate provides concrete evidence of his or her experience.
The jury is made up of teacher-researchers or the IMT Nord Europe course director, and professionals.
In the event of partial validation (or “sub-conditions”), a letter will be sent to the candidate proposing a training program that should lead to certification the following year.