General engineering
You are interested in the engineering degree and it’s a good choice. The profession is at the heart of the major industrial, environmental and societal challenges of our world. The general engineering course allows you to meet these challenges and adapt to the evolutions of our time by acquiring wide-ranging technical, scientific and managerial skills. For this, it offers a modular course with a strong digital element, a professional work placement and the personalised support which have earned IMT Nord Europe its reputation.
The diversity of access to general engineering training through excellent recruitment gives graduates an extremely rich experience. It is then up to you to choose a combination of Credit Units linked to the school’s teaching areas:
- Digital systems
- Energy and environment
- Materials and processes
Internships : a big step towards the first job
Familiarise ourselves fully with the companies and connection with professionals are part of the DNA of IMT Nord Europe. Throughout your course, IMT Nord Europe puts you in contact with the professional world so that your engineering training is in step with the realities of the field on which you will work.
1/3 in business, 2/3 in school, the winning formula that appeals to recruiters!
Whether you are admitted after BS or CPGE, or at the end of a preparatory class, you will spend a third of your course in internship (13 to 17 months). The ideal environment to help you build your professional project, develop your skills and create a real professional network!
From internship to internship, you progress towards your engineer profile :
- Internship L1 : 8 weeks to get to know the company ;
- Internship L2 : 8 to 12 weeks for a technical and/or intercultural;
- Internship L3 : 12 to 16 weeks to get to know the company (nouveaux entrants) or weeks to get to know a technical area (élèves issus de L2);
- Internship M1 : 16 to 20 weeks, to improve his (her) knowledge in a technical area as an assistant engineer;
- Internship M2 : 24 weeks, to carry out his (her) final year project.
All work placements, apart from the first, can be undertaken internationally.
An introduction to business throughout the course
In addition to work placements, the IMT Nord Europe engineering course introduces you to the world of business with:
- lecturers from the professional world;
- student projects, contracts and regular collaborations with companies and professional organisations;
- an introduction to economic and social sciences (economics, management, etc.);
- preparation for finding and doing your first job,
- supervision of internship or project achieved by alumni or field professionals,
- afternoons with partner companies (conferences, job interview simulation …) ,
- the involvement of the alumni network in training and college life;
- business forum.
- …
Double degrees and studying elsewhere
Double degree courses
By extending your training for one or two semesters, you will have the chance to benefit from a double degree and consolidate your professional plans. In addition to the 30 possibilities for double degrees abroad offered by IMT Nord Europe, specific double degree courses are available to you:
- Grande École degree at Audencia Nantes;
- Second degree at IFP School;
- Masters in Luxury Industries Management at IAE Marne-la-Vallée;
- Architectural engineer degree at the University of Mons;
- Grande École degree at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School;
- Double degree program at Eurecom;
- Master of IAE Lille;
- Master of Sciences Po Lille;
- Master of Sciences Po Paris.
Partner schools to develop skills
Do you want to study elsewhere in France or internationally? IMT Nord Europe has established many agreements enabling you to study for part of your course abroad or at a partner institution. An academic exchange over a semester or a year is possible with:
- École Supérieure de Travaux Publics (ESTP) in Paris;
- Institut national des sciences et techniques nucléaires (INSTN) in Gif-sur-Yvette (for a specialisation certificate);
- the Ministry of Defence (Armée de Terre);
- The schools of the IMT to access more than 70 options (IMT Mines Albi, IMT Mines Alès, IMT Atlantique, IMTBS, Mines Saint Etienne, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis);
- Mines Nancy;
- 70 foreign partner institutions.
Languages and intercultural communication
IMT Nord Europe gives an important place to intercultural training which allows, beyond the mastery of languages, to acquire the know-how necessary for the effective management of international teams, while respecting cultural diversity.
To integrate and manage international teams, it is essential to develop a reflection on your own culture. IMT Nord Europe makes its students aware of international cultural differences, in order to train engineers capable of operating with efficiency, respect and mutual benefit in a multicultural context. These courses are spread over the entire general engineering course.
At the same time, language learning (2 compulsory modern languages, 3 possible) is carried out through an annual program, adapted to the objectives of engineering students, over the 5 years of the course.
International students take French as a foreign language courses to make the most of their stay in France.
First job
Beginning your professionnal life is the convergence of all our actions. This is why, IMT Nord Europe proposes you an individual programm to link your knowledges, your internship experiences and your personnal qualities.
We support you towards your best (first) job !
The diversity of engineering jobs is undeniably a wealth but it needs often a reflexion to determine the engineer you want to be, in accordance with your values, your vision of the world and your own aspirations
This is why the Personnal and Professionnal Developpement Programm accompanies you throughout your course to get to know yourself better, to guide you and build your professional profile. It will propose you :
- workshops to define your professional project and improve self-knowledge
- exchanges with alumni to get to know the jobs,
- a skill approach to identify and developp his (her) soft skills,
- a methodology and tools to search an internship,
- job interview simulations to understand recruiters’ expectations.
Individual interviews are also possible during your course with our professional development advisers.
Placement of graduates*
*According to the CGE survey carried out among the 2019 graduates of IMT Nord Europe
Campus Channel Video: general engineering course presentation
Présentation cursus ingénieur généraliste
Admissions for French Students
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Service des admissions
The School offers several course choices, which is a great way to have a general foundation in many areas, especially digital, and then to personalise our learning in subsequent years. It was perfect for me! A large number of work placements are also offered during our course, which gives the training a professional focus. We can also travel abroad and discover the world!
I absolutely wanted a general engineering college because several fields offered at the School attract me such as the environment, mechanics and the study of materials. IMT Nord Europe also brings a real scientific element compared to other establishments which focus more on the notion of management. Next year, I will also have the chance of an academic exchange semester in Romania.
IMT Nord Europe’s tuition fees are necessary to finance our highly qualifying training courses, but they remain affordable to as many people as possible so that places can be given to a wide variety of profiles.
Scholarship rights tuition fees
Annual tuition fees for the start of the 2020 IMT Nord Europe school year in initial engineering training total €2,350 for students who are nationals of an EU Member State and €4,450 for those coming from outside the EU (rates may change by decree).
Neither apprenticeship students or continuing education trainees have tuition fees payable, since the amounts are paid by the employers
IMT Nord Europe students can benefit from a scholarship and an exemption from tuition fees.
When you apply, create (or update) your student social file (DSE). This will be validated during the IMT Nord Europe registration process.