Plastics processes is the plastics processing industry, which includes polymer materials but also composite materials. For half a century, the use of plastics has increased tenfold in all sectors of the packaging, construction, transport, medical industries, etc. due to their exceptional specific properties.
Circular economy and biobased materials
Plastics are often looked upon disapprovingly but they can actually be a sensible alternative to other heavier and more energy-intensive materials. The plastics industry needs to therefore initiate a change to reduce its environmental impact. The development of recycling but also of eco-design towards the development of a circular economy is a way forward. At the same time, ever more technical and sometimes biobased plastics must be developed, for example to meet the need for weight reduction in the transport sector or to provide new functionalities for the medical sectors.
Top class training
The plastics industry today represents nearly 230,000 employees in France and 5,000 companies which, in 90% of cases, have difficulty recruiting. Facing all these challenges, IMT Nord Europe offers several top class training courses in this field through the general engineer training cycle, apprenticeship engineering or specialised masters courses.
Our processes & materials trainings

Future focus excellence seminars

General engineering through continuing education

MSc Advanced Design and Management of Durable Constructions

MSc Eco-design and Advanced Composite Structures


Semester in Composites Materials

Semester in Materials and Structure Design in Civil Engineering

Specialized engineer in plastics and composite materials

Specialized Master® in Circular Economy Engineering Applied to Sustainable Materials

Specialized Master® in Positive Energy Building

Specialized Master® in Products and Processes for the Concrete Industry