Specialized engineer in civil engineering and railway systems
Get your career off to a good start with IMT Nord Europe’s bac + 5 diploma in civil engineering and railway systems, accredited by the CTI and available through continuing education or apprenticeships. A mode of transport that is innovating to meet ecological, societal and digital challenges.
Numerous opportunities
Once you’ve completed your 3 years of training, you’ll be offered a job in the rail and guided rail infrastructure sectors. This may involve track construction proper, but also maintenance, signalling, power supply, safety, surveillance, telecommunications… The horizon is vast if we also take into account service companies such as certification bodies or design offices.
Practical training
The apprenticeship alternates between IMT Nord Europe and the host company. On the one hand, you will be supervised by a tutor, a teacher from the school, who ensures a permanent, formalized relationship with the apprentice and the apprenticeship master. The latter, an experienced company executive, will organize and monitor your work. The content of the assignments and the skills assessment agreed between you and the company are validated by IMT Nord Europe.
Academic training
The Civil Engineering and Railway Systems curriculum provides you with all the fundamentals in the scientific, technological and human fields. At the same time, immersion in the company enables you to put all this knowledge into practice, as well as taking on responsibilities and working as part of a team. This dual pedagogical approach is particularly effective, as it gets you up and running quickly. It also requires a high level of personal commitment, cultivating a sense of initiative, autonomy and independence.
The courses
The courses cover the full range of knowledge and skills needed to become an engineer in civil engineering and railway systems:
- Management: project management, communication, rail safety – risk management, innovation and creativity, English…
- Science and technology: mathematics, mechanics, materials science, geology and hydrology…
- Technology: CAD/CAM/CFAO drawing, civil engineering and track work, signalling, catenary…
To be in with a chance of joining this training program, you’ll need to follow 4 steps:
- Submit your application here between February 1, 2024 and March 12, 2024. The application fee is €77 for the 1st course applied for, and €22 for each additional course (€22 and €11 respectively for scholarship holders).
- If you are selected by the pre-selection jury (results by April 2, 2024), you will be invited from April 11 to 16, 2024 to take tests and attend a motivation interview at IMT Nord Europe.
- The list of eligible apprenticeship candidates will be issued by a jury no later than April 24, 2024.
- All that remains is for you to sign an apprenticeship contract with a company, which is equivalent to final admission.
To ensure fairness between candidates, the tests are designed to give no advantage to any particular profile. There are no registration fees for apprentices, once the apprenticeship contract has been signed.
It is also possible to join the program as a continuing education student, subject to the following prerequisites:
- Hold a degree of Bac +4 or higher in the field.
- Holders of a validated Bac +2/3 with a minimum of 3 years’ professional experience in the field may be admitted via a Validation des Acquis Professionnels (VAP) after having put together a specific file that takes into account the scientific and technical skills acquired through professional experience.
To obtain the diploma, trainees must demonstrate a sufficient level of English (TOEIC 605 points minimum) at the end of the course.
Located at the heart of the Valenciennes campus (inGHenia)
IMT Nord Europe’s civil engineering and railway systems training program takes place in Aulnoy-lez-Valenciennes, on the IMT Nord Europe premises at inGHenia. This structure was created by the CCI Grand Hainaut in 1992 as part of a partnership with IMT Nord Europe, to train engineers to meet the needs and expectations of companies in the railway sector.
Campus Alternance – Tertia 3000
10 Avenue Henri Matisse
59300 Aulnoy-lez-Valenciennes
Information for applicants
For more information, see the notice for eligible candidates: here.
> The results of the final eligibility jury will be announced no later than the week of April 24, 2023.
Anaëlle, apprentice engineer in Civil Engineering and Railway Systems