Semester in Production Management and Automation
IMT Nord Europe has developed a range of programs provided in English.
International students get the opportunity to study semesters totally taught in English.
General Objectives
Industrial processes are getting more and more complex. Managing such systems as efficiently as possible requires a rational organization of the production means and a large use of automated devices: production machines, AGV for the plants internal logistics, Programmable Logic Controller, Supervision Systems, etc. In this context, the automation engineer needs to be aware of the constraints that apply to a manufacturing system, as well as he has to be familiar enough with the world of production to be able to provide the sets of solutions that really fit the problems. On the other hand, he needs to master “state of the art” systems control approaches that make the manufacturing systems more competitive.
The objective of this program is to provide a solid background in terms of production management and systems control. After the successful completion of this track, the students should be able to clearly understand the objectives of an industrial automatization project, as well as the constraints that the solutions must meet. The courses provide a large set of tools from which they can pick up methods that fit the problem an effective way. Numerous lab exercises are proposed so that the students can get practical skills regarding their ability to effectively deploy the designed solutions, whatever it deals with process automation or process management.
Evaluations are conducted at the end of each period with dedicated exams or project defense or report.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Lean Manufacturing, Lean Management, Extented Enterprise, Logistics, Production Management, Scheduling, BASICS.
Linear systems, systems control, continuous time domain, discrete time domain, regulator, control law, PID controller, LQ controller, LQR controller, pole placement, time response analysis, state model, discrete events systems, programmable logic controller.
Predictive control, linear systems, mathematical models of dynamic plants, advanced control approach, design and implementation of MPC
Self Localization And Mapping (SLAM), perception, computer vision, sensors, robots control, data-fusion, modular architecture, knowledge building, embedded systems.
During the whole semester, students follow a weekly 2-hour French course (specific for international students), corresponding to 2 ECTS.