Certifying courses

Project manager in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, propelled by the tremendous growth of Big Data, is part of the future. IMT Nord Europe grande école d’ingénieurs gives you the keys with a IA project management training to become an AI project manager.

This course is aimed at professionals managing technical, IT or IT projects and wishing to specialize in artificial intelligence.

This certification was created within the framework of an Artificial Intelligence EDEC supported by AKTO and MEDEF Lille Métropole, with the backing of the DGEFP.


  • Analysing and measuring the contribution of an AI solution within an organisation
  • Manage the design and prototyping of an AI solution
  • Deploy and implement an AI solution
  • Manage an AI project


Perspectives and professions

  • Artificial intelligence project manager
  • IT project manager specialising in AI
  • AI specialist developer
  • Artificial Intelligence Project Director
  • Artificial Intelligence expert
  • Artificial intelligence team manager




This course is open to holders of a bac+4 in the field of IT, or by Validation des Acquis Professionnels et Personnels (VAPP) for non-holders of a bac+4.

Admissions process

Selection is based on an application and an interview by video with the teaching team.


To obtain an application file, please send an e-mail to the following address:




The course lasts 200 hours over 6 months.

The course is delivered in a hybrid mode, with face-to-face and distance learning.

The next training session will start on Tuesday, October 07, 2025.


Head Teachers
Emmanuel RENAUX et Arnaud DONIEC

Further information


Cost of training: €9,000

Level 7 RNCP


Training location

Training takes place on the Villeneuve d’Ascq campus in the Lille metropolitan area: Cité Scientifique, Rue Guglielmo Marconi, 59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq.

Course strengths

The Artificial Intelligence project management training course enables you to master the operational management of AI projects, from needs analysis to change management. The strengths of this course are as follows:

  1. High-level academic expertise: this course benefits from the experience of IMT Nord Europe’s teacher-researchers and AI experts, ensuring top-quality teaching.
  2. Practical approach and real-life projects: The course places a strong emphasis on practice and the concrete application of AI knowledge. At the start of the course, trainees are invited to bring along a project in which they would like to integrate AI.
  3. Interdisciplinary training: This training is not limited to the technical aspects of AI as an isolated field. It also covers other areas, from change management to legal aspects.
  4. Individualized support throughout the course: you’re never alone, even when you’re at a distance.
  5. Training in blended learning mode, so you can continue to work.
  6. Registered with RNCP level 7.
  7. Training structured into 4 skill blocks, each of which can be validated separately.
  8. Bac+5 diploma from a leading engineering school.
  9. Course success rate: 100%, Overall integration rate for graduates: 100%, Job integration rate: 77.5%.

Teaching methods

The training is delivered in a hybrid mode (face-to-face and distance learning), with one half followed face-to-face on the school’s premises and the other half from the company or home.

The program includes 200 hours of individualized support over 6 months. Its hybrid format enables you to pursue your professional activity with peace of mind, thanks to :

  • e-learning modules and one virtual classroom per week;
  • 3 face-to-face days per month;
  • case studies and projects.

In practice:

Over the total duration of the course, you will come to Lille 5 times (about once a month) + once for the certification exam.

By train: 1 hour from Paris Gare du Nord station

By metro: 15 minutes from Lille train station and 7 minutes on foot from the Cité Scientifique stop.

Accommodation: Hotels nearby (Grand Stade), depending on distance, it is also possible to return home every evening.

Class hours: 9am – 6pm

Sectors that recruit

Graduates of the “Project Manager in Artificial Intelligence” program at ITM Nord Europe can work in a variety of sectors:

Industry: automotive, aerospace, transport & logistics, industry and processes
Industrial AI applications may concern robotics/automation, predictive maintenance, quality control, human-machine interfaces.

Retail: retail, e-commerce, distribution
AI projects represent opportunities in areas such as inventory management, front office and customer experience, customer operations automation, customer journey analysis and personalized marketing campaigns.

Services: digital and communications industries, corporate services and consulting
The service development services offered by the AI Manager focus on three areas: data enhancement, support for relevant uses and resources (architecture), and support for organizational transformation.

Who should attend?

This course is aimed at professionals wishing to specialize in artificial intelligence. Participants who attended the sessions held the following positions:

  • IT or digital project manager or manager
  • Technical or workflow automation project manager
  • IT solutions architect or integrator
  • Digital innovation engineer


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