
General engineering through continuing education

The IMT Nord Europe “Ingénieur Généraliste” Continuing Education program is part of an approach designed to prepare professionals to become versatile and strategic players, capable of meeting the complex challenges of the 21st century.

In practice, it enables French or foreign senior technicians with a Bac +2 scientific or technical diploma and at least 3 years’ professional experience to become engineers.

The program consists of a preparatory cycle lasting a few months and a one-year in-school training course integrated into the initial engineering training cycle. The diploma awarded is the same as that awarded for initial training.

On joining the engineering cycle, trainees choose to follow courses in one of the school’s four specialist fields:

  • Energy Environment
  • Eco-Materials, Industry and Civil Engineering
  • Industry and Services
  • Digital Science and Technology

Bac+5 training, RNCP level 7, eligible for CPF.


Depending on the field chosen :

  • Develop, manage and maintain energy production and fluid transport facilities and equipment, taking into account energy savings, renewable energies and ecological impact.
  • Ensure risk management and monitoring of the environmental impact of an industrial site, and implement the environmental policy of a company or industrial group.
  • Design and implement structures (buildings, engineering structures, mechanisms, parts).
  • Define, optimize and recover end-of-life materials (geomaterials, concretes, composites, metals, polymers)
  • Improve processes in industry and services.
  • Managing production and Lean tools, data science, for industrial performance, logistics and transport, embedded systems, robotics and vision, etc.
  • Manage IT projects
  • Design information and telecommunications systems.

Perspectives and professions

Depending on your chosen field :

  • Energy efficiency engineer, HVAC engineer, QHSE engineer, environmental engineer, nuclear engineer…
  • Design office manager, site supervisor, methods or calculation engineer, innovation or R&D project manager, production, quality or sales manager in the construction, mechanical engineering, manufacturing, plastics or composites sectors, etc.
  • Production engineer, quality manager, continuous improvement consultant, audit and consulting engineer…
  • Network engineer, DATA, software engineering, home automation, mobile development, security consultant, IT project manager, …



  • Hold a scientific or technical degree (Bac + 2).
  • At least three years’ professional experience on the date of entry to the School.

Admissions process

Selection is based on applications and tests.
An eligibility jury examines the applications received.
Candidates are informed of the decision by email, and those who qualify are invited to the admission tests.

The admission tests are organized over a one-day period, and include :

  • a mathematics oral ;
  • a scientific multiple choice test: mechanics, electricity, chemistry or computer science;
  • an English MCQ;
  • an interview with the jury.

Candidates are then notified by email of their admission.


The application must be received at IMT Nord Europe no later than :

December 4, 2024 midnight if you are an international candidate or January 15, 2025 midnight.

It will be sent by email to the following address:

To complete the 2025-2026 candidate file, click here


Preparatory cycle: March 03 to June 20, 2025

School-based engineering cycle: September 2024 to March 2025

In-company end-of-studies project: March to September 2025.


The curriculum is structured as follows:

  • A preparatory cycle comprising a core curriculum and specific courses linked to one of the school’s areas of specialization.
  • An engineering cycle comprising 2 academic semesters, with the trainee choosing a combination of Value Units linked to the school’s teaching areas: in Energy and the Environment, Materials and Structures, Digital Sciences and Technologies or Processes for Industry and Services, and a 6-month end-of-studies project in a company. The end-of-study project is followed by a report and a presentation.

English language courses are included, as trainees must achieve a minimum TOEIC score of 605 by the end of the course to obtain the diploma.

Head Teacher
André Wroblewski.

Further information

To help candidates prepare for the scientific tests, a self-training area is available click here (currently under maintenance)


Cost of preparatory cycle: €2,350
Engineer training – personal or job-seeker financing: €10,000
Engineer training – company financing or professional transition project (PTP): €15,000
The course is eligible for the CPF (Compte Personnel de Formation).


Training takes place at the Douai site.

Engineering courses

On entering the engineering cycle, trainees choose to follow courses in one of the school’s four areas of specialization:

  • Energy and Environment: Enabling trainees to tackle the challenges of the energy transition and sustainable development, by developing the skills to design innovative solutions that respect the environment.
  • Industry and Services: Enabling trainees to explore aspects of industrial production, logistics and services, and gain an in-depth understanding of the complex needs of modern industry.
  • Eco-materials, Industry and Civil Engineering: Enabling trainees to grasp advances in sustainable materials and civil engineering, contributing to the creation of environmentally-friendly infrastructures.
  • Digital Science and Technology: Enabling trainees to master information and digital technologies, positioning them at the cutting edge of innovation in this constantly evolving field. Note that for this specialization, IMT Nord Europe offers the Telecommunications and Computer Science engineering course in blended-learning mode.


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